Gensler has been slammed by his peers for a “paternalistic and lazy approach.” Moreover, he has been criticized by members of his own commission for “an endless series of misguided and overreaching cases…”
Gensler’s incompetence is actively stifling innovation and undermining America’s role as a leader in global innovation. When it comes to crypto exchanges, he claims “the law is clear,” despite failing to provide regulatory clarity and instead favoring regulation by enforcement.
Gensler has wasted millions of taxpayer dollars on failed lawsuits against the crypto industry. He claims he is protecting investors, when in reality, investors need protection from him.
Gary Gensler has faced scrutiny over his alleged “cozy ties” to Sam Bankman-Fried. Gensler held multiple meetings with SBF while he was committing massive financial fraud, and was threatened with a subpoena for refusing to answer questions about their relationship. Time after time, Gensler has overlooked actual fraud and instead focused his time and money on attacking legitimate American companies.